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Brahman and the World

The central problem of calssical, systematic Vedanta: What is the relation that obtains between Brahman and the world? In waht sense is Brahman the Aboslute, the creater of the world?

The Upanisadic answer to this question is multiform, and numerous descriptions of creations are proffered, most of which following a Smkhyan-type model of emanation: a progressive unfolding of various principles, such as mind and egoity, out of a primordial nature, which then form the basis of the subtle and gross objects that constitute the world.

Classical Advaita Vedanta treats the question in various ways and suggests different answers to it, nevertheless there is a substantial core of doctrine and attitude that is shared by most, if not all, Advaitins. Folling Samkara, these Advaitins explain the relation between Brahman and the world 

  • in terms of satkaryavada, the theory that the effect pre-exists in its cause, with Brahman as the material and the efficient cause of the world.
  • in terms of vivartavada, the theory that the effect is only an apparent manifestation of its cause.

On grounds of the concepts maya (illusion), avidya (ignorance), adhyasa (superimposition).