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The Hierarchy Theorems


Definition: Parametrization. A parametrization of a set \(S\) on \(I\) (with \(I\) called the code set) is any surjection \(I\twoheadrightarrow S\).

Defintion: Pointclass restriction. Given a pointclass \(\Gamma\)\(\Gamma\restriction \mathcal{X}\) for \(\mathcal{X}\) a product space is deined as \(\{P\subseteq \mathcal{X} : P\in\Gamma\}\).

Definition: Section. Let \(P\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times \mathcal{X}\) and \(y\in\mathcal{Y}\), the \(y\)-section of \(P\) is \(P_y = \{x\in\mathcal{X}:P(y,x)\}\).

We say that a pointset \(G\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\) is universal for \(\Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}\) if \(G\in\Gamma\) and the map \(\mathcal{Y}\to\Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}:y \mapsto G_y\) is a parametrization of \(\Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}\). Namely, for \(P\subseteq \mathcal{X}\) we have

\[P\in\Gamma\text{ iff }\exists y\in\mathcal{Y}, P=G_y.\]

A pointclass \(\Gamma\) is \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized if for every product space \(\mathcal{X}\) there is some \(G\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\) which is universal for \(\Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}\).

The Parametrization Theorem#

Theorem (for Borel pointclasses). All the Borel pointclasses \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^0_n\) and their duals \(\mathbf{\Pi}^0_n\) are \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized, where \(\mathcal{Y}\) is any perfect product space.

Theorem (for Lusin pointclasses). All the Lusin pointclasses \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^1_n\) and their duals \(\mathbf{\Pi}^1_n\) are \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized, where \(\mathcal{Y}\) is any perfect product space.

Actually, we have more:

Theorem (general). Given a pointclass \(\Gamma\) that is \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized, then so are the pointclasses \(\neg\Gamma\) and \(\exists^\mathcal{Z}\Gamma\) where \(\mathcal{Z}\) is any product space.

The above theorem together with the parametrization theorem for \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^0_1\), namely, the statement that for every perfect product space \(\mathcal{Y}\)\(\mathbf{\Sigma}^0_1\) is \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized, proves the first theorem (for Borel pointclasses). Take \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^1_1\) instead of \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^0_1\), we then have the theorem for Lusin pointclasses.

The general theorem is in fact easier. If \(G\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\) is universal for \(\Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}\), then \(\neg G = \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\setminus G\) is obviously universal for \(\neg \Gamma \restriction \mathcal{X}\). If \(G \subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{Z}\) is universal for \(\Gamma\restriction(\mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{Z}\), define \(H\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\) by \(H(y,x)\) iff \(\exists z, G(y,x,z)\) and it can immediately be seen that \(H\) is universal for \(\exists^\mathcal{Z} \Gamma\restriction\mathcal{X}\).

For the particular theorem for Borel classes, we only need the parametrization theorem for \(\mathbf{\Sigma}^0_1\), but this takes us into topological details. The idea is oft-used in descriptive set theory, namely, assigning to each finite binary sequence a neighborhood from the enumeration of a basis for the topology, and by this construct the desired set. In more detail, let \(N(\mathcal{Y},0),N(\mathcal{Y},1),\ldots\) and \(N(\mathcal{X},0),N(\mathcal{X},1),\ldots\) be enumerations of bases for the topology of a perfect product space \(\mathcal{Y}\) and a fixed product space \(\mathcal{X}\), use a coding that utilizes prime factorization to assign to each finite binary sequence \(u\) a neighborhood \(N(\mathcal{Y},\sigma(u)\), and with \(\sigma\) define \(G\subset\mathcal{Y}\times\mathcal{X}\) by requiring that \(G(y,x)\) iff there is a finite binary sequence \(u = (t_0, \ldots, t_n)\) s.t. \(t_n = 0\)\(y\in N(\mathcal{Y},\sigma(u)\), and \(x\in N(\mathcal{X},n)\). Prove that every open subset of \(\mathcal{X}\) is a section of \(G\), then the proof will be complete.

The Hierarchy Theorems#

The significance of parametrization becomes evident ini the following lemma:

Lemma: the Hierarchy lemma. Let \(\Gamma\) be a pointclass s.t. for every product space and every pointset \(P\subset \mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{X}\) in \(\Gamma\), the diagonal \(\Delta(P) = \{x: P(x,x)\}\) is also in \(\Gamma\). If \(\Gamma\) is \(\mathcal{Y}\)-parametrized, then some \(P\subseteq \mathcal{Y}\) is in \(\Gamma\) but not in \(\neg\Gamma\).

From which immediately we get the Hierarchy theorem for the Borel pointclasses of finite rank. That is, the following diagram

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holds with all the spaces restricted to any perfect product space \(\mathcal{X}\). The same is true of the Lusin pointclasses.