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Note 50

Roger Bacon, Opus minus as quoted in H. Felder, Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Studien im Franziskanerorden, Freiburg, 1904, p. 515: “Quae fiunt in textu principaliter legendo et praedicando, sunt tria principaliter; scilicet, divisiones per membra varia, sicut artistae faciunt, concordantiae violentes, sicut legistae utuntur, et consonantiae rhythmicae, sicut grammatici.” For the anticipation of the Sic et Non method by the canonists (Ivo of Chartes, Bernold of Constance), see M. Grabmann, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode, Freiburg, 1909, I, pp. 234. ff.; I and II, passim.